BDC Machinery understands that consistency is critical to proper lubrication management. By partnering with Industrial Innovations we offer several solutions that can help you manage die lubrication and reclamation programs.
PRO-MIX offers a line of proportional mixing systems that deliver a consistent blend of lubricant concentrate with water in ratios ranging from 1:1 to 1:150. These blends balance cost savings while maintaining part quality, reduced tool life and lower productivity. These systems can accommodate manual delivery or distribution through an in-plant network.
RECLAIM-PRO coolant purification systems allow you to reclaim oils reducing your environmental footprint and making your operations more efficient. These systems are suited for hydrocarbon or vegetable oils and have demonstrated the ability to reduce lubrication requirements by as much as 70 percent while also decreasing machine downtime. Polypropylene coalescing plates separate oil from coolant or water by using oil droplets' buoyancy. Since no absorbents are used, disposal issues are eliminated. Field life is estimated at 10-plus years.
Contact us today. Let us perform an on-site evaluation to help you determine the press automation solution that is right for you.